Best Exercise Program With Resistance Bands

In terms of exactly what exercises you should do for each muscle group... For a lean toned body, we want to make the muscles firm, not increasing in size, although as the muscle becomes toned, less fat is present and this can give the appearance of looking bigger. To achieve this toned muscle look, we go for a lower to mid weight, so for low to medium weight I would use yellow to red. Even though this weight may feel too light, we're going to work our way up to 4 sets of 15- 18 repetitions.
Remember to do each exercise slowly and since the resistance bands are free weight, pay careful attention to the movement of the pulling motion and the releasing motion. The beauty of the resistance bands is that they allow motion in any and every direction, not limiting you to the same repetitive motion. In having this variation, you work the entire muscle in its entirety and what happens is over time and with constant repetition, the whole muscle becomes firm with no soft spots. This is especially effective for older people who may be experiencing sagging or drooping of the skin and muscles, you will see improvements in a short amount of time.

If you are just starting out on a resistance band exercise program, I advise you to start with one set of each exercise for 2 days straight, them increase to 2 sets for 2 more days, then 3 sets for 2 days, and finally making it to 4 sets. Keep the weight comfortable but not too easy until you reach your 4 set goal and then gradually swap the bands out for heavier ones.
You can combine the bands in many combinations of 1 and 2 bands, all the way up to using all 5 bands, at which point you will have become an advanced user. If you want your body shape to be more muscular in terms of size, then we need to do heavier weights and less repetitions using the red to black bands. As before we will start with 1 set of each exercise per day and gradually increase after 2 days, doing 6 - 8 repetitions per set, and in the same way we will keep the weight low at the start and gradually work up to a heaver weight. Because we are doing so few repetitions, We can move to a slightly heavier weight right away.
When using more bands its important to pay close attention to your form during these exercises ( as per videos ) The slower you do these exercises the better and you can vary the angle of movement each set just to give a slightly different part of the muscle a workout. I believe that doing 4 sets of 3 exercises for each muscle group per day is the best, and the days should be divided into
Remember to vary the exercises, vary the weights, and vary the angles at which you do the exercises and I believe you will see good results. Nutrition is an important part of any exercise program, so eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, meat, nuts and seeds, stay away from processed food, sugar, bread, noodles, fried food and drink lots of water and try to replace those sugary soft drinks with green tea. This combination of nutrition and resistance band exercise is guaranteed to improve your overall look and overall health.

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