Are Your Programmed For Organic Or A Healthier Life?

The studies claim that consumers imagine better tastes and more nutrition with ego labeling of products. It also indicates that organic products produce the same amount of greenhouse emissions in the processes as conventional products. This leaves a big question as to how eco friendly are organic products.
Evidence has shown organic foods to have the same nutritional value as conventional foods, whether it is processed or raw. Organic standards regulate the chemicals used in the growing and manufacturing processes, but do not eliminate them. So, organic simply means less than 5% of chemicals are used in the processes. But, if they produce the same amount of greenhouse gases, how much more eco friendly are organics?

With this question in mind, manufacturers use the idea that organics contain less chemicals to convince consumers that organics are healthier, taste better, and are friendlier to the environment than conventional products. Evidence in research has proven that organics contain the same health benefits. There is no difference in the ingredients, so therefore, there cannot be any difference in the taste. A cookie would still taste like a cookie, with the exception of the recipe used.
Organics may use less herbicides and insecticides in the growing processes as well as being controlled in the manufacturing processes as to the chemicals used. But, if they produce the same greenhouse emissions in the manufacturing and delivery processes, organic would simply mean fewer toxins are used. It does not indicate better health benefits.
A lot of small farmers use less herbicides and insecticides in the growing processes by practicing organic processes without having an organic certification. They produce less greenhouse emissions in the delivery of foods to local areas. Most foods are delivered to local areas in the raw, which means less greenhouse emissions from manufacturing processes.
The organic certification is very costly, therefore limited to companies, such as manufacturers that can afford it. The cost effectiveness of the certification is out of reach for smaller farmers. Because of the cost of the certification, manufacturers charge consumers higher prices to account for that cost. Therefore, to ensure the costs are covered, manufacturers rely on marketing hype.
With research evidence, the organic mindset becomes a false mindset set up by marketing hype. A healthier life would contain healthier habits in eating, exercise, and chemical reduction in the environment. Knowledge is power in understanding the processes of foods, personal care, cleaning, and other products.
A lot of information is available for healthier habits in eating and exercise, but learning about the processes of production with personal care, cleaning, and other products is a bit more complicated. Manufacturers use the laws in their favor, especially where labeling comes into play, to hide ingredients and processes of a lot of products. Organics are no different.
To understand how consumers can strive for a healthier life, it is important to gain more knowledge in how products are actually made, how ingredients are hidden, and how law governs the processes. Gaining more knowledge in these areas enables consumers to make better choices in the products they purchase and reduce toxins in their own environments. It will also help in understanding how toxins go back to the eco systems and violate our atmosphere and way of living.

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